A&M Consolidated High School Veterinary Medical Applications Course and CVA Certification
Veterinary Medical Applications - Prerequisite courses
Course Description: This upper-level course includes, but is not limited to:
- Animal handling and restraint
- Health and safety
- Sanitation
- Surgical preparation
- Anatomy
- Physiology
- Medical terminology
- Infectious diseases
- Instrument and equipment identification
- Vaccine preparation
- Injection techniques
- Laws and ethics
- Veterinary office procedures
- Practicing communication skills
- Utilizing listening skills to follow directions
- Practicing basic mathematics skills as applied to a veterinary medical setting
- Reading to gain information
- Performing assignments and tasks as directed.
- Clinical rotation designed to allow students to gain hands-on experience working in various veterinary assistant positions
- Students will have the option to certify through the Texas Veterinary Medical Association pending the completion of certification requirements.
- Certification Exam Fee: $135.00 (paid for by student)
Requirements for Course:
- Students will be expected to obtain 300 observation hours during school hours, summer break, and school holidays.
- Transportation is required to and from clinical observations. Transportation can be arranged with proper request.
- Students will be required to obtain and wear medical scrubs and closed toed shoes.
- A great work ethic and attitude.
- Students will be required to keep time logs and weekly reports.
- Students will follow school and clinic policies
- Course will be a block class of 6th and 7th period only, student must be able to take course at this time period, no exceptions.
- Students must find a licensed vet or certified veterinary technician to complete hours of internship.
Certified Veterinary Assistant Program
VMA recognizes that the school-based veterinary assistant programs consist of well-designed, highly organized content taught in classroom settings by well-qualified professional educators extending through 1-3 academic years. TVMA further recognizes that these state-approved programs consist of hands-on laboratory instruction, frequent live demonstrations, field work, internships and other interactive learning activities, which can achieve the same learning objectives envisioned for the on-the-job training requirements described.
Candidates for certification must provide documentation that supports appropriate work experience as follows:
In order to insure the student understands the real, day-to-day workings of a typical veterinary hospital, a minimum of 300 of the 500 hours required must occur within a veterinary clinic or animal shelter setting with a DVM or LVT (CVT, RVT allowed for programs outside the state of Texas) on staff or in attendance to provide the required skill and techniques training. The variety of veterinary-supervised experiences that meet these criteria may also include (but is not limited to): volunteer work in a veterinary hospital, riding on large animal veterinary field calls, shelters that offer medical services through a veterinarian, etc.
The program is meant to supplement a vet science curriculum (i.e. Texas A&M Agrilife, iCEV, etc). Students are required to meet the following qualifications to obtain their CVA:
- Program must include content addressing all the learning outcomes identified in TVMA standards and guidelines for CVA Level I
- Applicants for certification from any school-based veterinary assistant program must have completed at least 9 months of the school-based program
- Applicants for certification must be at least 16 years of age to test.
- Hands on training hours will not be counted before age 14.
- Payment of the certification fee (Check, Credit Card or PO accepted)
- Successful completion of the certification examination, either online or paper format
- Completed exam application (pages 1-6), with accompanying required signatures (Incomplete applications will be returned to the teacher for completion)
Veterinary Businesses and Community Help - Ways to support the AMCHS Vet Med Apps Program:
- Veterinarians and certified veterinary technicians willing to mentor and allow students to complete clinical internship.
- Donations of used or new medical equipment to assist students in course
- Donation of gently used or new medical scrubs
- Veterinarians or technicians willing to be a guest speaker for the course.
- Veterinary clinics, animal rehabilitation centers, zoos willing to give a presentation/ tour of facilities
- Monetary donations for supplies
- Monetary donations for student exam fees